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Foreclosure Refinancing Help In Dayton, Ohio Article
Foreclosure Refinancing Help in Dayton, Ohio
from:If you are facing foreclosure in Dayton, Ohio, one solution may be to refinance your mortgage. There are agencies that offer foreclosure refinancing help in Dayton, Ohio. Because of the widespread occurrence of subprime mortgages whose “teaser” low rate periods are expiring, many lenders and advocates are demanding that state and federal officials make bail-out programs available.
Foreclosure refinancing help in Dayton, Ohio could be hard to find for some borrowers with subprime, adjustable rate mortgages. These borrowers opted for the subprime mortgages because they did not qualify for the prime rates. Many of them did not qualify because of less than perfect credit scores. When these same borrowers are attempting to find refinancing options, they are again faced with problems because of their credit score. This has prompted a few privately operated agencies to offer refinancing for these specific borrowers.
One of these agencies, Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) developed a program called the Opportunity Loan Refinance Program. This program offers borrowers foreclosure refinancing help in Dayton, Ohio and other parts of the state. The program offers an affordable 30-year fixed rate mortgages to people that can no longer make their mortgage payments. Although some credit issues on the mortgage in the previous 12 months are allowable, this program is geared to those that are still current on their mortgage payments. In order to qualify for this program, borrowers must complete four hours of HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) approved financial counseling. All hours of the counseling must be completed by the close of the loan.
Other foreclosure refinancing help in Dayton, Ohio information is available on the HUD web site. There are links that will give information that is specific for Ohio. They provide tips and suggestions to help you get your finances in order. They provide more options that just refinancing, so be sure to do a thorough job researching which option is better for your situation.
Contact your lender to see what type of refinancing is available through them. You may be able to save on closing costs, appraisals, and other fees by working with your current lender. They are usually willing to work with you to find foreclosure refinancing help in Dayton, Ohio. They, too, want to avoid your mortgage going into foreclosure. It is researched that the lender will lose between fifty to sixty thousand dollars on each foreclosure. They are motivated to work out a solution to avoid foreclosure for their own interests as well as yours.
When considering options for foreclosure refinancing help in Dayton, Ohio, be sure to start the process early. Most programs will only work for those that are only 1-2 payments behind at the most.