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TV Real Estate Foreclosure Reality Shows


With the pain of multiple foreclosures in the neighborhood, the odds of selling your home for a good price decrease. That's where some TV real estate foreclosure reality shows have come up with innovative ideas to get you some great exposure while setting up a reality show that can be both entertaining and agonizing to watch.

Take for instance a TV real estate foreclosure reality show called “Date My House.” Instead of just giving the viewer a synopsis of how hard it is to sell the house and everything done to try to sell it, they set up a date for an interested buyer to try out the house for free. In one episode, the home takes us through a desperate homeowners last ditch effort to try and sell the home by doing a makeover and inviting a potential buyer to use the home for a sushi party to see if it generates a sale. While that particular TV real estate foreclosure reality show did not generate a sale, the owner claimed that two further dates set up with the house eventually led to a sale.

As more and more people try to find ways to either make money flipping a foreclosed home, or selling one that has trouble moving on the market, it seems viewers are interested in staying tune for these TV real estate foreclosure reality shows. They have becomes so popular that there are many more coming through from shows called “Buy Me” to “Flip This House.”

It's hard to say how much the advise given on the TV real estate foreclosure reality shows applies to everyone, but they can be a source of entertainment and some homespun wisdom. In this tough buyer's market, more and more people are tuning in to get an edge on the competition when it comes to unloading a home they don't want or flipping a house for profit.

One thing that does have to be taken account when using the show to spur your own creative foreclosure real estate maneuvers is that you may have a totally different demographic and geographical area to consider. The market in one home area is usually quite different than another in another state. What works in one area may bomb completely in another. However, the standard advise to sell a home still applies: clean it up, declutter, repair and broken issues, and make it as appealing as possible to a new buyer. These are words of wisdom that can travel with you no matter what market you find yourself in or who is interested in buying your home.